Balance Your Plate Challenge

A 4-Day Challenge for Boosted Metabolism and Hormone Harmony for women over 35

Who is the challenge For?

Are you a woman over 35 looking to reclaim vitality, boost your metabolism, and achieve hormonal balance? Look no further! Welcome to the "Balanced Plate, Balanced You" 4-Day Challenge – a transformative journey designed specifically for women like you! Say goodbye to the confusion and frustration of meal planning and embrace a lifestyle of vitality, energy, and confidence.

During this Challenge, You Will: 

  • Discover the Power of Balanced Nutrition: Learn the art of creating nourishing and satisfying meals that support your metabolism and hormone health.
  • Understand Your Body's Unique Needs: Gain insights into your body's changing nutritional requirements and how to meet them effectively as you age.
  • Tailored for Women Over 35: I understand the specific nutritional needs of women in this phase of life, and the challenge is designed to address those needs head-on.
  • Practical & Realistic: Say goodbye to fad diets and restrictive plans. This challenge focuses on sustainable changes and practical strategies that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.
  • Holistic Approach: I believe in nurturing both your body and mind. Alongside meal guidance, I recommend managing stress, staying active, and fostering a positive relationship with food.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with like-minded women on this journey, in our private Facebook Group. A safe space to share successes, ask questions, and receive motivation.
  • Form Lasting Habits: Build sustainable habits that will keep you energized and balanced long after the challenge.


Sign up for your 4-day challenge with videos and Workbooks sent right to your inbox!

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Tess Petti, RN

Functional Nutrition Councilor/Holistic Nurse Wellness Specialist

What Others Had To Say

"I've tried various diets before, but learning to balance my plate is the true meaning of balanced nutrition. I feel healthier and more vibrant than ever!" - Mary, 39

"I can't believe how much of a positive impact just changing a few details on how I set up my plate had on energy and overall everyday performance. I just feel lighter and more “in balance.” Thank you!" - Jane, 41

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