"Beyond Normal: Understanding Your Blood Lab Results"

Uncover What’s Really Going On: Bridging the Gap from "Normal" to Optimal

Have You Ever Been Told?

Your lab results are normal, yet you still feel drained, overwhelmed, or out of balance, you’re not alone. So many people are frustrated by unexplained symptoms—whether it’s chronic fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, or brain fog—and conventional medicine doesn’t always have the answers.


That’s where the "Beyond Normal" workshop comes in

Tess leads this workshop to help you decode your lab results beyond the conventional approach and uncover the subtle imbalances that could be holding you back. Together, we’ll begin to explore what’s going on in there and give you the tools to take action toward feeling vibrant and energized again

What You’ll Get from the Workshop

Understand Your Lab Results Like Never Before

Learn how to interpret your blood work beyond the basic numbers, uncover hidden imbalances, and understand what’s really going on in your body.

Identify the Root Causes of Your Symptoms

Whether it’s chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances, or mood swings, you’ll learn how to connect the dots between your symptoms and your lab results.

Take Control of Your Health

No more being told “it’s all in your head.” You’ll leave with actionable steps to improve your health based on personalized insights from your lab results.

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Why This Workshop is Different


Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on treating symptoms, "Beyond Normal" takes a holistic, functional approach that looks for patterns, subtle shifts, and deeper root causes. Tess bridges the gap between traditional and holistic medicine, empowering you to understand your body on a whole new level.



Transform your health by finally understanding what’s really going on beneath the surface. Register now for "Beyond Normal" and get ready to take charge of your health journey.


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Unlock the Answers in Your Lab Results

 You Deserve to Feel Amazing – Let’s Get You There Today!


Discover What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You!

About Tess

Tess has been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years and has worked in healthcare for over 30. She has spent many years in conventional medicine, but her ongoing curiosity and later passion drove her desire to support and serve others from a different paradigm. Tess’s mission is to build a bridge between conventional and holistic healthcare. She is a functional nutrition and diagnostics counselor, herbalist, and certified health and life coach.