The ReNew Her Vitality Program

A 90-day program for women 40 and beyond guaranteed
to leave you inspired, empowered, and able to regain control of
your life, body, and mind.


Embrace Holistic Wellness:

Have you noticed any changes happening in your body
that you may not be able to pinpoint? Are you more irritable
than usual? Are simple words and thoughts slipping away from
your tongue and mind? Have you had feelings of loss of self?
Are tidal waves of head-to-toe heat a nuisance or keeping you
awake at night leaving you utterly exhausted the next day? Do
you have more anxiety than you used to, or maybe even been
feeling depressed? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror in
the morning asking, “ Is this what it’s going to be like for the
rest of my life”? Is menopause decreasing your quality of life?

If the debilitating effects associated with menopause have
been taking away your quality of life, the good news is, you
could take it back.

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 Navigating Transitions

This season of life is a period of significant transitions, whether related to health, career, relationships, or personal identity. This program equips you with tools to navigate these changes gracefully, empowering you to embrace transformation as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

ReNew Her Vitality takes a holistic and integrative
approach through all the transitions this pivotal season holds.
Our promise is to empower you with the knowledge and tools
you need to take charge of your health, embrace these

changes, and live the rest of your life authentically and with
renewed vitality.


Who are we? 

We are registered nurses turned coaches who believe that
each and every one of us has the power to be empowered.
Power to learn. Power to design our own lifestyle. Power to
create the quality of life we need to survive the significant
turnover of changes happening in our lives and bodies during
this, pardon the pun, period of time in our lives.


 Why Does This Program Work? 

We provide laser-focused 1:1 coaching with not one, but
two coaches throughout this program. This dual approach is what
makes us unique and is fundamental in optimizing your success
to reach your personal health and wellness goals during this
season of life-however you define them for yourself.

With our different skill sets, we take an integrative and
evidenced-based approach utilizing a holistic model of care
focusing on the connection between the 4 quadrants of the
whole person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

We give you tools to understand how they tie into each
other, how the relationship between these quadrants is
connected and symbiotic in nature, and how you can balance
them maintaining harmony and peace on both the inside and
outside of your body.

Transformational Tools

This season of life is a period of significant transitions, whether related to health, career, relationships, or personal identity. This program equips you with tools to navigate these changes gracefully, empowering you to embrace transformation as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

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✨ The ReNew Her Vitality Program: Your Journey to Thrive ✨


The ReNew Her Vitality Program is a comprehensive, holistic approach to addressing the unique challenges and transformations that women over 40 experience. It's designed to nurture both your physical and mental well-being, ensuring you not only survive but thrive during this transformative season.


What's Included:


🌿 Physical Wellness: We'll explore the physical changes that occur during midlife, offering tailored strategies to optimize your health and well-being. From nutrition to fitness, we'll help you feel your best.


🧘‍♀️ Mental and Emotional Support: Midlife often brings emotional ups and downs. This program provides a safe space to explore these feelings, offering coping strategies and tools to find balance and inner peace.


🛤️ Life Transformation: As you journey through midlife, your life may undergo significant changes. You will be guided through transitions and empowered to embrace new opportunities with confidence.


🤝 Personalized Guidance: No two journeys are the same. That's why this program is personalized to your unique needs and goals. You'll receive one-on-one coaching sessions and resources to keep you on track.


🌟 By the end of this program, you will gain: 🌟

     Enhanced emotional wellbeing and resilience
     Effective coping strategies for life transitions
     Increased energy
     Hormonal balance and weight management
    Improved sleep quality and techniques
     Confidence and self-assurance
     A clear sense of purpose and direction



About Tess 

Tess Petti is a holistic registered nurse, certified health and life coach, certified functional nutrition counselor, and master
herbalist with a passion for guiding people to their highest potential in health and wellness. By blending her nursing expertise with holistic and functional practices, she helps those that she supports nurture their physical, mental, and emotional realms, so they can embrace physical well-being and unlock clarity and purpose while doing so. “My mission is to build a bridge between conventional and alternative and complementary medicine by using a whole person, holistic, and integrated approach."



About Dawn

Dawn Boisvert is a holistic, baccalaureate-prepared registered nurse, certified in hospice and palliative care, and a board-certified nurse coach. For many years, her passion and focus have been assisting others to improve their quality of life, including her own.  

Dawn believes that we are more than our bodies, thoughts, diagnosis, and disease.  "We deserve to be happy, feel joy, and
have some sense of control over what is going on within and around us. We are spiritual beings. We have innate abilities to transform ourselves to be who we truly want to be and live the way we truly want to live, all while honoring ourselves and with authenticity."


What others are saying...

Through the coaching sessions I was able to express myself freely, because of Dawn’s openness and
calm personality. I was able to dig deep inside to figure out what was happening and find the reason
why I was in my rut. Dawn allowed me the space to be transparent without the fear of judgement or the
concern of sharing any of my information with others. She would check on me on days that we weren’t
having a session through a short text or email, and I really felt that she cared about my well-being. She
was concerned not only with the physical but with the body, mind, and spirit.

- Kathleen

When I signed up for a course with Tess, part of me was hoping for a miracle with regards to changing my body and health. I didn’t realize I would reach untapped parts of my soul and learn how “all things are connected.” Her skills are vast, and her approach encompasses so much more than a “miracle diet”. You will feel validated, challenged, and accepted as you focus your whole being on a solid forward path. I have grown more with Tess in this course than I have ever in a doctor's office. Tess connects the dots for you so you see who you are, where you have been, and how you want to move forward. Do your “inner work” so that your “outer work” can grow and bloom.

- Nancy

My time with Tess was amazing! She is a walking wealth of knowledge and can break down the details into digestible portions for those not in the medical industry. She provided so much information and truly blew my mind about how so many little choices in life have big impacts. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to learn from Tess and apply these lifestyle changes for myself.

- Kathryn

What do we mean by functional and integrative?

Functional means working with someone on an individual’s internal and external root/cause resolution (resolving the underlying issue).

Integrative means utilizing various natural/holistic/alternative approaches to health and wellness for support in conjunction with laser-focused coaching. 

Compassion in relation to how we approach your person-centered needs and goals of well-being and in relation to learning how to show self-compassion during this pivotal season. 

This dual approach is necessary for you to optimize your success in reaching your personal health and wellness goals- however that is defined for you. 

Why do we support women in midlife? 

This season can be a time of struggle for many women, ourselves included. We may feel uncomfortable with how our bodies are changing and worry about how we look or how others see us. Many women may have some emotional struggle with the end of reproductive capabilities, even if they aren’t planning to have a child. And then, of course, there’s a multitude of physical symptoms that we may be experiencing, such as hot flashes, fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, night sweats, irritability, mood swings, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, etc. In the midst of it all, there may be other health challenges that we have already been dealing with or that often surface when we reach 40 and beyond. Once a woman reaches complete menopause, her risk for certain health conditions increases, such as cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Even if we are not experiencing the laundry list of symptoms that perimenopause offers, our bodies are changing. Our needs are changing. Your life is changing. How we approach our health and wellness, both physically and emotionally, will also need to change. 

Beyond the physical changes and challenges, women entering this pivotal season may carry enormous responsibility with work, family, home life, community, and more. Maintaining all responsibilities and expectations can feel overwhelming, especially when physical disruptions strike. Life doesn’t stop, and women have different levels of support, understanding, and resources available. Still, in many cases, we may feel unsupported, even by our medical provider, when discussing what’s happening to us. Often, the provider doesn’t know how to support this season. Aside from offering hormonal treatment, there is little support beyond that, and it’s not always at the fault of the provider. Training and education on lifestyle modifications are not offered or even discussed because “It’s just part of being a woman.” In other words, “deal with it.” This isn’t always the case, but the truth is many if not most, doctors are not well equipped with how to support women during this transition beyond prescribing medications for the symptoms. In addition, studies have shown that medical professionals often perceive women’s subjective complaints (such as pain and exhaustion) as less serious than men’s and even more severe for women of color, disabilities, LGBTQ+, etc. 

Depending on our upbringing, support system, and social circle, the subject may be considered taboo, or a candid conversation may not have occurred before experiencing symptoms. Some of us may not have anyone to confide in and discuss the changes we’re experiencing, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. In addition, we may simply not have the time or energy to seek care and support. 

How can we help? 

First and foremost, we want to honor you, your life, your body, and spirit, as these areas can be most affected during this middle-life season. We want to help you feel validated and respected, and how and what you may be feeling is real. We can help you navigate your challenges and limitations with tailored support and curated information to help you reach your highest state of wellness and make the most of this season. We can help you discover new possibilities for your life and body and support you in making decisions for yourself without feeling shame or judgment. Our approach is co-created, where we help guide, support, and empower you to make the decisions that serve you best. We do this all within a safe, confidential, respectful, and judgment-free space.

Do us the honor of letting us embark on this transformative journey through midlife wellness with you. 

Thank you for visiting. We are glad you’re here and hope to connect with you soon!

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