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10 Essential Oils for an Endless Summer with 7 Diffuser Recipes

Jan 19, 2023

I love summer! When I think of Summer, I think of the beach, lemonade, campfires, fresh-cut grass, and the sweet sound of crickets and cicadas on warm summer nights. The only thing I dislike about summer is that it seems to go by so much quicker than some of the other seasons. Why not keep summer endless with 10 must-have essential oils for summer to keep it going, even when it comes to an end. Here are some of my favorites endless summer scents!

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. As an Amazon Associate, this post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 

Lemon (Citrus limon)

I can’t make a list of essential oils for summer and not include lemon essential oil. I mean, can anyone say lemonade? And of course, below, you will find a recipe for the perfect lemonade diffuser recipe. Lemon essential oil is refreshing, uplifting, and helps you feel inspired. Besides the lovey energetic aroma, lemon has many other benefits, such as soothing allergies, sinus congestion and chest congestion, and mucous,  which can be a problem for some this time of year, especially with that fresh-cut grass. The lemon essential oil also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The antiseptic properties make this oil fantastic for natural cleaning recipes. You can find a few by reading Five Ways To Clean Your Home With Lemon Essential Oil.

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)

What would lemon be without lime? This essential oil is perfect any time of day you need a burst of energy. It has similar benefits that lemon does and is a great essential oil for digestion support and easing nausea. Lime blends very well with other essential oils, so it’s the perfect addition to many blends. Check out a couple below.

Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis)

Do you see a bit of a trend here? You just can’t beat citrus scents when it comes to the endless summer. Orange essential oil falls into the same awesome benefits of lemon and lime, even the digestion and nausea support. In addition to all of those, orange is a bit versatile, as it is extremely uplifting, but it is also very relaxing. You know that feeling when you feel very relaxed but also energized? That’s where orange essential oil will leave you. Adding it to blends that relieve stress is a must. Another amazing attribute is that it is one of the most “kid-friendly” essential oils, so no worries when diffusing around children.

Grapefruit Essential Oil (Citrus paradisi)

Keeping on the citrus trend, how about some refreshing, uplifting grapefruit essential oil. This is probably one of my favorites, as it’s highly energetic. Yes, it has most of the benefits of all the previous citruses, but in relation to sweet orange, this essential oil can reduce tension as it uplifts, making it a perfect oil to use when we are feeling down in the dumps. I like to think of grapefruit as “sparkling,” as it has such a clean and happy aroma.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Ah, peppermint. This essential oil is such a breath of fresh air. It is the perfect balance to a blend, but the aroma can overpower other oils, so only a few drops are typically needed. Like sweet orange, peppermint is amazing for tummy troubles. Blending them together can be the perfect remedy. Besides its digestive health benefits, peppermint essential oil brings a clean, cool aroma to your blend, making hot summer days less harsh.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata)

Spearmint has a more warm and herbaceous aroma compared to its cousin peppermint. This essential oil is calming while promoting feelings of overall wellness, and who doesn’t want that? The aroma will help you feel energized when you’re feeling overall fatigue so that you can go about your busy summer days with a skip in your step and a positive outlook!

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

If you’re looking to relax but increase your mental focus, ease stress and tension, basil is the perfect essential oil. At the end of a hectic day, basil can bring you calm yet confidence knowing that you have ended your day on a good note. It’s another great oil for the belly and is commonly used in skin blends to ease sore, tight muscles. Adding it to a headache blend is also effective.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris ct.thymol)

Staying in the herb garden, our next essential oil is graceful and sweet, yet its aroma brings strength and focus. Thyme essential oil It’s energizing in the sense that it brings a feeling of optimism as it uplifts—another great oil for soothing allergy symptoms and sinus congestion, as well as sore throats and coughs.

Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)

Now we can’t leave the garden or summer without including lavender. It’s the perfect essential oil to add to these bright and shiny citruses and herbs because it balances everyone out. The list goes on when it comes to the benefits of lavender, so much so, I have an article just about lavender essential oil: Five Amazing Benefits Of Lavender Oil. It’s good for anything from balancing mood to cleaning to skincare and more. No wonder why lavender is one of the most popular oils! To boot, lavender is perfect for kids!

Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)

Feeling negative? Look no further. Juniper Berry essential oil drives out that negativity when you’re feeling overwhelmed and worried. The aroma supports overall energy and vitality. Its warming effects make it perfect for adding blends that relieve tension and are a great balancer to sharper scents.

There are so many uplifting, energizing essential oils to use in the summer and beyond, to keep this popular season endless. Here are 7 bright summer recipes to add to your diffuser:

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

5 drops Grapefruit

4 drops Orange

2 drops Lime

Sun Godess

4 drops Juniper Berry

3 drops Grapefruit

2 drops Orange


5 drops lemon

3 drops Spearmint

2 drops Basil

Summer Lovin’

4 drops Lime

3 drops Spearmint

2 drops Grapefruit

2 drops Lavender


4 drops Lime

3 drops Lemon

2 drops Peppermint

The Herb Garden

3 drops Basil

2 drops Lavender

2 drops Thyme

1 drop Peppermint

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

3 drops Basil

2 drops Juniper Berry

2 drops Thyme

1 drop Peppermint

Keep summer endless, even when it comes to an end! I hope you are inspired to try these essential oils for the summer.