5 Benefits of Frankincense and DIY Blend For Your Aching Head

Frankincense has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is typically obtained from the resin of the Boswellia tree, found growing in the mountainous regions of India, Africa, and the Middle East. The aroma is woody and spicy. The resin was used in ancient times as incense. In modern days, it is used for this purpose. But the most popular way to reap the rewards of Frankincense is by using the essential oil. This article will explore the 5 benefits of Frankincense. And you will learn to make a quick and easy inhaler to help ease your aching head. So, what are the benefits of Frankincense?
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The Benefits Of Frankincense
Frankincense has been used for centuries for deep meditation. It calms the mind and promotes focus. This makes it a great oil to diffuse or inhale during times of stress or transition.
Studies are showing benefits to cognition and memory. In an article published in the PMC, it was concluded that the chronic use of Frankincense had the potential to decrease dementia, which was Alzheimer’s induced. (1). This is an interesting finding. However, there needs to be more research completed. No wonder folks from ancient times used it to focus. Does anyone feel our ancestors were on to something? We just said: “Eh, we want to try something different, even though what we were doing worked pretty well.” This gift from nature has been used in rituals to help us focus and center since ancient times. Frankincense certainly offers healing from within.
One of Frankincense’s common uses is in inhalers. It is great to assist in clearing nasal passages. Frankincense can also help make breathing easier. It can clear mucous while reducing mucous and inflammation to help alleviate the congestion. Add it to an aromatherapy inhaler with Eucalyptus and Tea Tree to clear that stopped-up nose. Diffusing with other essential oils that promote the same action is beneficial in disinfecting the air during cold and flu season. Try adding Thyme and Eucalyptus essential oils to the diffuser, as well. Thyme is excellent for immune support, while the eucalyptus has antioxidant, antiviral, and expectorant support.
Frankincense is finding increased popularity because of its found skin benefits. When applied to the skin, its astringent properties help tighten the pores as it cleans and disinfects. Another essential property of Frankincense essential oil is the ability to help stimulate new cell growth. This means that this oil is excellent for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It also supports the skin to heal from any trauma, such as cuts, abrasions, and other wounds. It has anti-inflammatory actions. These actions help to decrease inflamed, itchy red skin. In addition to antioxidants, it can help the skin’s healing response.
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used effectively in blends to help decrease pain. Inflammation and tension cause pain. Frankincense is the perfect addition for massage oils to ease sore muscles. Or in a blend for headache pain. In a sore muscle blend, oils that compliment Frankincense are peppermint, juniper berry, and Siberian fir. Add 10-15 drops total to 9ml of fractionated coconut oil in a 10ml roller bottle.
Some oils that Frankincense blend well with are:
What you will need to make a” No More Aching Hea” Aromatherapy Inhaler
- Blank Inhaler (these particular inhalers are reusable, so they are very eco-friendly. All you have to do is replace the wick. Replace the cotton wicks every 3 months.
- Frankincense
- Peppermint
- Lavender
- Eucalyptus
- Tweezers
- Small plate or bowl
How To Make Your Inhaler
Open the blank inhaler. If you use the reusable kind, there may be a glass bottle inside with a replacement top. The wick will go inside after you create your blend. Otherwise, one-time use inhalers will be open, and you will seal when finished. Place the cotton wick on your bowl or plate. For each of the essential oils, you will use five drops each. Drop the oil onto the cotton wick. After you have finished adding essential oils, use tweezers to place the wick into your inhaler. Seal the top with reusable inhalers; this usually is a twist. For one-time use ones, it snaps into place. You may need to press hard. Place the protective sleeve and viola! You have an effective inhaler blend to use on the go whenever you feel a headache coming on.
In conclusion, although I am a healthcare professional, I am not a physician. My suggestions, products, and education do not replace the advice of a doctor. Always consult with your medical provider regarding your medical care. Information and statements regarding our products have not been evaluated by the FDA.
If you would like more information, book a call with me today.
1) NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4967843/