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Boost Your Immune System With These 15 Best Supplements

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Immune System Health

Keeping our immune systems strong is the best way to stay healthy. Of course, living a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise is vital. Still, many of us don’t get enough of what we need nutritionally with diet alone. So taking certain supplements to boost our immunity may be necessary for our immune systems to function at their absolute best. But first, what is the immune system’s primary job? How do you boost your immune system?

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. As an Amazon Associate, this post may contain affiliate links so that I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Read full privacy policy here.

We can think of it as the body’s department of defense. It is a complex operation that works around the clock to fight off infections and diseases. Recently, I read a great analogy about the immune system from Dr. Carolyn Dely. The immune system is like the video game PAC-Man. Imagine PAC-Man as the white blood cells spring into action against the ghosts, representing the viruses, bacteria, etc. The pellets are the micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and enzymes that keep PAC-Man going strong. If PAC-Man slows down or goes in the wrong direction, the ghost wins, and PAC-Man is down for the count. Brilliant! This article will discuss the essential supplements for keeping your immune system operating at its full potential. We will also discuss some that you might want to consider taking for that extra boost.

Vitamin C To Boost Your Immune System

We all know that vitamin C is a “big one” that assists your immune system in fighting off invaders. We can obtain vitamin C through the many foods that we eat. However, we may need to take a supplement to get effective doses. Why does it work? Vitamin C supports the function of those essential cells that fight off viruses and bacteria. It also helps clear out old cells in the immune system and replaces them with newer, stronger ones. “C” is a powerful antioxidant that helps decrease free radicals. Multiple studies have shown that taking a daily vitamin C supplement has been proven to reduce the incidence of the common cold and other viruses.

Supplements are not all created equally. When a company makes vitamin C (ascorbic acid) tablets, it will use genetically modified corn starch and corn syrups. They combine that with chemicals like hydrochloric acid or acetone. A great brand is RNA Reset’s Vitamin C powder, which is what I use. This is perfect for adding water or your morning smoothie to help boost your immune system.


Magnesium may not be a supplement that you think of when supporting your immune system, but it is, in fact, essential. Why? According to Dr. Thomas Levy, an expert on vitamin C, magnesium is just as essential. When cells are under oxidative stress (the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body), it causes cellular change. Ultimately leading to disease. Calcium is pushed out when Vitamin C and Magnesium enter the cell. This brings the oxidative stress to a normal range, restoring the cell to a healthy state. (1)

When functioning properly, free radicals can help fight off pathogens. But in the presence of more free radicals than optimal, the free radicals can start doing damage. Antioxidants like vitamin C can balance them. However, magnesium must be present to assist with this conversion.  (11)

An excellent magnesium product to assist in this function and help keep your cells working to the best of their ability is ReMag by Dr. Carolyn Dean. This is a liquid form, so the body actually absorbs the magnesium. Many solid forms of magnesium supplements are less soluble and are not absorbed by the body. This causes a laxative effect. What’s the point of taking it if it’s not absorbed? ReMag® liquid magnesium is better absorbed in your gut than some of the less soluble forms. Also, some ingredients in magnesium supplements are hygroscopic, meaning they attract water. This is why some magnesium pills have several additives to try to keep the content drA; a liquid magnesium supplement is used to avoid unnecessary ingredients and achieve the best absorption.


Zinc is a mineral. This mineral is found within cells throughout the body and helps the immune system fight off bacteria and viruses. Trace amounts of zinc are essential to human health and development; however, there are nearly 100 enzymes that rely on zinc for their activity. The body also needs zinc to make proteins and DNA in the cells.

The body does not store excess zinc. Therefore, it must be consumed regularly as part of the diet. Dietary sources of zinc are found in red meat, poultry, and fish. Not everyone obtains enough through their diets, and a supplement becomes necessary. Taking zinc supplements is very common and is generally recognized as safe. Several types of zinc can be found on the market. Zinc gluconate is one of the most widely available and cost-effective forms of zinc and usually the one you will see the most; however, research has shown that zinc picolinate is better absorbed.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, and it is not naturally found in many foods. This is one of the reasons why almost everyone is deficient. We can produce vitamin D when sunlight strikes the skin and triggers its synthesis. The amount of outdoor time that most people get is just not sufficient to produce what we require.

Vitamin D is also essential for calcium absorption. You can take all the calcium in the world, but the absorption will not be there if your vitamin D is depleted. We also need it for bone growth and healing. Without it, bones become brittle and thin, and together with calcium, it helps prevent osteoporosis.

So what about a boost in your immunity Tess? So glad you asked. Vitamin D modulates cell growth for adequate immune function. It also reduces inflammation. Both are essential for a proper immune system function.  Dr. Carolyn Dean’s product is amazing. It has just the right balanced formulation to ensure you’re getting the right absorption. Order your 60-day supply of the D3 reSet here.

Vitamin B

Vitamins B6 and B12 are essential in immune system function. Both support crucial biochemical reactions in the immune system. Most adults are deficient in them. This can certainly negatively impact your immunity.

Our bodies do not naturally create vitamin B6. So, we must obtain it through our diets. Foods high in vitamin B6 are; poultry, fish, potatoes, chickpeas, and bananas.

Likewise, vitamin B12 is not readily made and is not only crucial for immunity. It is also essential for nerve function. Most do get plenty of vitamin B12 in a balanced diet. But, you may be more at risk for deficiency if you are vegan or vegetarian. Similarly, those who have GI disorders or the elderly may also be at risk.  

You can take a B complex vitamin as a supplement, either by itself or with a multivitamin. Be sure you are choosing a vitamin that has very few fillers. Many vitamins have a great deal of added ingredients that don’t need to be in there. These ingredients end up outweighing the actual substance that you’re desiring. This causes a decrease in the supplement’s absorption, making it a waste of your time and money. And, of course, the extra ingredients could be harmful to your health.


So, what’s the deal with elderberry? This herb is used for treating infections. In this study by Pub Med (an extremely reliable database for research by the NIH), black elderberry is found to possess antimicrobial activity against several human bacterial and viral pathogens known to cause infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Elderberries are full of antioxidants and vitamins. These can boost your immune system. They have been shown to shorten the length of an illness radically if taken in a preventative manner.  Elderberry syrup is a popular way to take this miracle berry. You can find teas, syrup, lozenges, and extracts here.


Just when you thought CBD couldn’t be any more useful, well, it can. To clarify, it’s actually an amazing supporter of the immune system. Here’s why:

CBD supports better sleep, decreases stress, and decreases inflammation. These are extremely important elements in having a strong immune system. We naturally create cannabinoids that create homeostasis in our bodies. The problem is that we don’t create quite enough to benefit us truly. Homeostasis is what is necessary to experience optimal health and wellness.

CBD products or companies are not created equally. I have researched and experienced Green Compass’s CBD products. They are sustainable, organic, fair trade, and of the highest purity. To learn more benefits of CBD, as well as Green Compass, click on this article here.

Adding These to Your Diet to Boost Your Immune System

  • Curcumin– Turmeric is where you find this active compound that has some powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it may also enhance immune function. An important point is the need for black pepper to absorb properly. You can also find supplements with black pepper. You can be sure you are getting the best absorption possible.
  • Garlic– A perennial plant. One of the world’s oldest cultivated crops. It has certain sulfur compounds that can support immune and heart health, as well as antiviral properties. It is shown to enhance immune health by stimulating protective white blood cells and macrophages. I knew there was a good reason why I loved garlic!
  • Licorice Root– A perennial legume native containing many bioactive compounds that may help soothe the throat and stomach. It can also support immune health.
  • Ginger Root– A rhizome of a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia. It is cultivated worldwide and used for centuries. Tonics and elixirs contained ginger root. Ginger contains potent beneficial compounds called gingerols and provides gastrointestinal support.
  • Amla Berry– Otherwise known as Indian gooseberry, is a tart fruit sacred in Buddhist and Hindu cultures in India. This little berry has a potent concentration of vitamin C and an impressive antioxidant profile. It supports the brain, liver, immune system, and heart.
  • Oregano is a popular herb native to Mediterranean areas and Southeast Europe. Ancient Greeks used it for its beneficial properties. The two most powerful components in oregano are rosmarinic acid and thymol. Both of these support a positive response to oxidative stress and can support immune health. Using Oregano Essential Oil can also be helpful.
  • Astragalus Root– An herb from the legume family that contains Astragalosides (antioxidant activity), which supports respiratory health. Additionally, it contains polysaccharides that are known for their immune-supporting properties.
  • Medicinal Mushrooms- Mushrooms are used to prevent and fight infection. Their use started in ancient times. We are learning that our ancestors were definitely on to something. Certain mushrooms benefit immune health. They also provide us with so many amazing health benefits. Perfect for starting to experiment with mushrooms are cordyceps, lion’s mane, maitake, shitake, reishi, and turkey tail. (2)

In conclusion, choosing which is right for you may take some observing on your part. Our bodies know what they need. Be present and mindful with your body. Then you can decide on what you may be lacking. You may also need to do a little experimenting. Our bodies are great laboratories. Again, it knows what we need; we need to listen. Of course, if you feel you may be extremely deficient in something, a blood test may be what you need.

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