Five Amazing Benefits of Lavender and Why It's the "Mother" Essential Oil

Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils, and with good reason. So what makes the oil from this lovely flower so special? In this article, we will discover five amazing benefits of lavender and why I think, that if we thought of essential oils as being one big family, why I consider this oil as being the mother. It is definitely versatile in its therapeutic properties; from being the “go-to” for calming the body and mind, to healing the skin, it’s the essential oil that many people reach for and have on hand in their homes.
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Lavender helps in calming the nervous system, which makes it the essential oil that many people use for emotional balance and reducing stress. It soothes and calms, when inhaled, and can assist in those who suffer from insomnia. When stress is causing physical tension, Lavender is the oil to come to the rescue. Its soothing and calming nature makes this oil comforting, just like Mom. This ability to naturally reduce stress, tension, and anxiety, is a result of the organic chemical components called linalool and linalyl acetate. Likewise, both of these components have evidence-based actions that calm the nervous system.
Are Stress and Tension Causing you to have Headaches?
When your muscles are tense, headaches can occur. Lavender quickly springs to the rescue, relieving tension and soothing that aching head. Rub directly on temples, with a carrier oil, or add to diffuser or inhaler for quick relief. It is quite effective, especially when blended with other oils, such as frankincense, for headache relief.
Looking for an Oil that’s Nourishing to the Skin?
Look no further, lavender has incredible skin benefits, so adding it to your lotions or to a carrier oil and applying it to the skin, will leave it looking and feeling radiant. With its anti-inflammatory properties, lavender can be used for healing wounds, easing bee stings, and insect bites. In addition, it can soothe and assists in healing burns and rashes, aids in clearing acne, and reduces scar tissue.
Do You Have Cold Symptoms or Seasonal Allergies?
Lavender’s anti-inflammatory property can help ease allergy symptoms by decreasing sinus inflammation. The most effective way is by using it in a nasal inhaler or by diffusing it. As an added bonus, lavender supports the immune system, so whatever it is that you might be allergic to, it helps your body do its work to get you through it. Just like Mom would.
In Need of Immune Support During Cold and Flu Season?
Lavender has antibacterial and antiviral properties that make it perfect for keeping one healthy during cold and flu season. Especially when combined with other oils, that also have immune support. The lavender essential oil has a chemical makeup that makes it an anti-microbial, which assists in combating illness-causing bacteria and viruses in the air. In addition, it will help relieve any congestion one may be experiencing, as mentioned above. Because lavender is so effective in helping one to get a good night’s sleep, we know that plenty of rest strengthens the immune system as well. Like mom says; rest is best.
So, do you now know why I call it the “mother” of all essential oils? The nurturing, healing, helping, calming, pain-easing, kind-hearted oil is there for you, no matter what the day might bring. And oh! As an added bonus, Lavender is super safe for the kiddos and they usually love the smell.
I hope this article has helped you have an understanding and appreciation for the amazing benefits of lavender essential oil and all the benefits it can bring. In addition, scroll down for your headache inhaler blend, sure to stop a headache in its tracks, at the first sign.
Making a Headache Inhaler
What you will need to make a “No More Aching Head” Aromatherapy Inhaler
- Blank Inhaler (these particular inhalers are reusable, so they are very eco-friendly. All you have to do is replace the wick. Cotton wicks should be replaced about every 3 months.
- Frankincense
- Peppermint
- Lavender
- Eucalyptus
- Tweezers
- Small plate or bowl
Opening the blank inhaler, if you are using the reusable kind, there may be a glass bottle inside with a replacement top, the wick will go inside thereafter you create your blend, otherwise, one-time use inhalers will just be open and you will seal when finished. Place the cotton wick on your bowl or plate. For each of the essential oils, you will use 5 drops each, dropping the oil onto the cotton wick. After you have finished adding essential oils, use tweezers to place the wick into your inhaler. Seal the top, with reusable this usually is a twist. For one-time use, it snaps into place and you may need to press hard. Place in a protective sleeve and voila! You have an effective inhaler blend to use on the go whenever you feel a headache coming on.
Lastly, if you are interested in a holistic coach or need more information on essential oils, book a call with me!