How Everything Touches Everything in Health and Wellness
Jan 09, 2023Today, we will discuss how everything touches everything in health and wellness. When we speak about living a healthy lifestyle, most people think about the obvious; eat a healthy diet, get some exercise, get an adequate amount of rest, and address any illnesses that may pop up. Pretty straightforward, right?
We don’t always consider our relationships, environment, support systems, and daily routines as essential components of a healthy lifestyle. It’s not just the things that go on around us but also within us; thoughts that we think, our beliefs, and the past that we carry. These thoughts include those that are in our subconscious and conscious.
We have become so compartmentalized in how we operate, but everything touches everything. Our relationships can affect our mental and emotional well-being and trickle into our physical health. Conversely, our physical well-being will affect our emotional and mental wellness, affecting our relationships. Health and wellness cannot be placed in a box. The whole person is emotional, mental, physical, social, and spiritual. It’s about time for us to be mindful of this concept. There are too many people walking around with unremedied health problems that our current standards of care do not address. Individuals who are essentially walking around appear perfectly healthy but are suffering inside.
There are five primary areas to explore when talking about everything touching everything. We look at the “whole person” approach when referring to holism. The idea that we can compartmentalize our bodies and minds is an archaic approach to health and wellness. In this article, let’s discover how each area flows into one another. If one of these areas is in a poor state, it will impact the others.
Our emotional state affects how we cope with everyday life and thrive in our interpersonal relationships. Emotional wellbeing includes subcategories that are important to acknowledge. These include self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, motivation, and empathy. Our emotional well-being helps us to cope in everyday life. You may have heard of the term “emotional intelligence.” Our emotional state can impact all areas of our lives. If you’re not coping well emotionally, this will affect our professional life, our relationships, our physical health, how we raise our children, etc. Effectively managing stress and practicing mindfulness are effective ways to support your emotional well-being.
Our mental well-being is imperative to our overall optimal health and wellness. While there’s a fine line between emotional and mental wellness, your mental well-being encompasses more than just your conscious thoughts. Your subconscious mind plays a significant role here. Much of your subconscious operates based on your beliefs and thoughts about yourself and the world around you. Your beliefs were likely developed from an earlier age and have carried you throughout your life. They have created how you identify yourself, as well as how other people view you. The problem is that many of your beliefs are not necessarily true and many times, are no longer serving you. Conversely, our conscious thoughts, compared to our subconscious, are those that are outward toward the world around us. The subconscious and the conscious mind will affect all other areas of life.
We tend to live in our heads. Our cognitive thinking has moved us away from listening to our bodies. We’ve become so detached from it—furthermore, our brains like patterns. We build certain neuropathways from our thoughts and the way we operate daily. The good news is, we can change these neuro pathways, with some consistent work, of course, and reshape our beliefs and even our identities, to align with our highest selves. It all starts with being more mindful of our thoughts and emotions and the connection between them.
Related Post: Are Your Beliefs Keeping You From Achieving Your Goals?
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