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The 7 Best Essential Oils for Hormone Imbalance

#balance #balance #wellness #hormonehealth #hormoneimbalance #womenshealth #womensweight Jul 10, 2023

So you’re feeling pretty miserable during a certain time of the month, or you’re transitioning into the next stage of life and are feeling a bit out of “whack”. There is a list of symptoms that commonly occur to women during this time, but you can rest assure that you are not alone and there may be some help. In this article, we will explore the best essential oils for hormone imbalance. These particular ones that have been found effective in easing some of these symptoms, or in some cases, eliminating them altogether. Click here If you want to know more about what happens in our bodies and why these symptoms occur. Listed below are the 7 best essential oils for hormone imbalance.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. As an Amazon Associate, this post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.


Most of the time, people making a list will save the best for last, but I want to mention Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) right from the get-go. It is one of the amazing essential oils for hormone imbalance during both PMS and menopause. Maybe that’s why I want to start with the bang. You can’t go wrong with using this essentialoil for anything that is considered a hormonal issue. Let’s have a look at it, shall we?

First, this essential oil is very calming. Although the aroma allows us to relax, it still provides a lift in spirits and has been used for centuries in helping those with anxiety and depression. You may have heard that both are common symptoms in PMS and menopause. Aside from the mood lift, clary sage has also shown to help regulate menstruation and alleviate unpleasant symptoms experienced with menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats. Why? There is a percentage of the component sclareol, which converts to human estrogen. Some other symptoms that you may be experiencing with hormonal imbalance are; acne, digestive difficulties (specifically with stress), and sore muscles. Clary Sage is effective in easing “all of the things.” I like it so much for women’s health, that I have a separate past blog article written for its hormonal use.


I’ll be honest, this essential oil can be costly, as it is very concentrated and takes quite a bit of rose petals to get just a small amount of essential oil. If you are willing to purchase the oil though, I will say a little goes a long way. You will only need a few drops of Rose absolute (Rosa x damascena) to experience great therapeutic benefits from it, due to its very concentrated state. We know that the smell of roses is one adored and favorited by many. Who doesn’t appreciate the rich, sweet, smooth scent? Well, there is, even more, to love about the rose, especially when talking about imbalanced hormones and the havoc they cause.

Rose is especially helpful in easing symptoms of Menopause; specifically, those annoying hot flashes. When applied to the skin, it has a cooling effect that is so very soothing. The essential oil also has some hormone balancing actions known in its composition, so it can assist in irregularity and discomfort associated with menstrual periods.

Common symptoms associated with PMS and menopause are skin issues. The hormonal imbalance can cause acne or thinning skin.  Rose absolute moisturizes and regenerates the skin while offering antibacterial properties to fight acne. Speaking of regenerating, paired with the antioxidants this oil carries, rose absolute has the ability to stimulate new skin cell development, making it perfect for mature skin that has fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. Read this past article on rose absolute here.


Like rose absolute, jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum) can too be costly. If it’s not, you are probably not getting pure jasmine and rose absolutes and you will not gain the therapeutic effects. The aroma of jasmine is floral, sweet, yet, it has a spicy undertone. There is almost a “green” smell to it if that makes sense. It is a hard scent to explain in words, but it is beautiful and is one of my personal favorites.

Jasmine leaves one feeling content, but alert and attentive. This makes it a great oil to use for anxiety and/or depression, as well as when you are going through a time of transition in your life. It will spark your self-confidence to help you “get up and go” and tackle whatever it is that is holding you back!

So what about hormone imbalance? Jasmine contains phytoestrogens in its organic chemical make-up. This makes it a great oil to use during PMS and Menopause, not only for the reason it will mimic estrogen but because it also helps to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with both: anxiety, depression, “brain fog”, menstrual pain, and fatigue.

It too has skin cell regeneration actions, making it another great essential oil to use for maturing skin. Got acne? It’s also used as an antiseptic, so it can aid in destroying certain bacteria and fungus, particularly acne-causing bacteria. Hormonal Imbalance, many times, results in dry, itchy, irritated skin. Jasmine is extremely nourishing and moisturizing. Adding a few drops to some unscented lotion is perfect. Want to read more about Jasmine? Check out more about here.


Geranium (Pelargonium x asperum) is a close cousin to Rose, in many of its therapeutic effects, so if you’re not able to grab some Rose Absolute, geranium is a lot more affordable. This essential oil fosters a sense of security, as it calms irritability, a common symptom with hormone fluctuations. Its anti-inflammatory actions can help ease menstrual cramps. Pairing it with Clary Sage and Ylang Ylang for this can be very effective. Geranium is also very skin nourishing, so using it for those pesky hormonal outbreaks, is just another positive attribute. 

Ylang Ylang

 Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata var. genuine) is also a very calming essential oil. Are you seeing a trend here?  Hormonal imbalance often causes mood disruptions, leading to irritability, anxiety, and depression. This essential oil is the perfect choice when attempting to combat these, as well as sleep disturbances (also a common issue). There is a sedating effect with ylang ylang. It will uplift the mood, but it provides more of a euphoric state to help feel pleasure and joy. This can make ylang ylang a great oil to use for high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Low libido is a common issue with menopause. This oil is well known for awakening sensual awareness and has a long history of being used as an aphrodisiac.

Another good pick for the regeneration of cells in maturing skin and assisting with breakouts in PMS. It’s very balancing to the oils in the skin, as well as the hair and scalp. There is a strong anti-bacterial characteristic and has been used for centuries in various wound healing.  To boot, it has a mild cooling effect, making it great to use in blends for hot flash relief. Need to know more about this oil? Read about it here.


Anise (Pimpinella anisum) is very comforting to the mind. It is emotionally warming and can be very helpful to someone who is shy and withdrawn. This oil is shown to be very effective in alleviating symptoms of depression. Again, a common occurrence in hormonal imbalance. Menopause, specifically, can be a sad time for many women. There is a whole lot of reasons why this is so, and perhaps for another blog post, but for now, I will say that there are quite a bit of evidence-based studies that show the positive nature of this action.

So how about those hormones? Anise contains estragole; a natural, estrogen-like compound found in the plant. This component has been shown to decrease some of those unpleasant menopausal and PMS symptoms such as; insomnia, depression, hot flashes, fatigue, joint pain, decreased libido, and vaginal dryness. The decrease in estrogen is one of the main reasons why we experience this stuff. There is also some literature showing anise to be helpful in regulating menstrual cycles, as it stimulates menstruation and has been highly effective in helping amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation) and dysmenorrhea (painful periods). One of the most common uses of anise, is the benefit it has to the digestive system, so if nausea, indigestion, constipation, or diarrhea are something that you have the misfortune of experiencing with hormonal imbalance, then run, don’t walk, to grab anise. More about how it works in 4 different body systems here.


Has anyone heard of this one? Vitex Agnus Cactus is derived from the Chaste tree. It is popular as an herbal supplement in the treatment of PMS, menopause, and infertility. it can also be found in the form of essential oil. There are a few other names for this plant, chaste berry, vitex berry, Abraham’s balm, lilac, or monk’s pepper.  It is very balancing in nature and can be helpful for symptoms such as; acne, heavy menstrual periods, migraines, and joint pain. Why is this such a heavy hitter for balancing hormones? There is a complex chemical make up to this plant that inhibits prolactin release, thus increasing progesterone. Progesterone, along with estrogen and testosterone, is what we are concerned with when discussing PMS and menopause. The dip in the amount of these hormones causes chaos.

Whatever the result is (symptoms) from that chaos is for you, getting it back on track is key. Evidence indicates that a certain chemical component in vitex agnus cactus will bind to dopamine receptors. What is dopamine? It is a neurotransmitter, or messenger between nerve cells, that plays a role in us feeling pleasure. So yet another mood-enhancing oil to appreciate with all of the other balancing properties it possesses.

Now, these are just some of the essential oils that I think are amazing when we talk about hormonal imbalance during PMS and menopause. There are a few others that I have not hit upon in this article, but are honorable mentions, such as; bergamot, geranium, neroli, and petitgrain. I hope this article has been helpful to you and you find some useful information to help you on your journey to natural healing.

Have you used essential oils for a hormone imbalance? Comment below. I hope these 7 essential oils for hormone imbalance can help you.