The Blog

5 Aromatherapy DIY Nasal Inhaler Recipes and Why to Use Essential Oil Blends This Way

Nasal inhalers are a great way to gain the therapeutic benefits essential oils offer. They are for personal use, so you don’t have to consider others around you, such as pets, small children, or your work colleague in the next cubicle. There are specific ailments that will benefit from aromatherapy ...

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Make This Roller Bottle Blend For Congestion With Eucalyptus Essential Oil And Discover Four Amazing Benefits

In this article we will explore four benefits of Eucalyptus essential oil.  You may need a “bounce in your step” to lift your mood, combat mold and mildew in your bathroom, need to ease achy muscles or head,  or perhaps your sinuses need attention due to cold, flu or allergy symptoms. Eucalyptus is ...

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